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Annual Dealer's Conference 2022

Huaxin Cement's annual dealers conference in 2022 was held at the Giraffe Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The conference was attended by several of the company's top-performing dealers and distributors in Tanzania, including Brithan Investments. One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation of the Honesty Customer Award, which recognized the most trustworthy and reliable customer of the year. The award was presented to a deserving customer who demonstrated a high level of honesty, integrity, and loyalty in their business dealings with Huaxin Cement. Brithan Investments was among the attendees and had a chance to network with other dealers and distributors, as well as participate in various activities and workshops aimed at strengthening their partnership with Huaxin Cement. The event was a great success and provided an opportunity for Huaxin Cement to recognize and reward its top-performing partners and customers in Tanzani.

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